About this Project
Welcome! This digital learning resource offers all Secondary School Educators tools, resources and lesson plans to discuss child sexual exploitation and sex trafficking in their classrooms through preventative, safe and positive learning experiences. We truly believe in the life-changing impact that educators bring to our youth and invite you to participate in the eradication of child sexual exploitation and sex trafficking by using this resource.
About White Ribbon
White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls and to promote gender equity, healthy relationships and a new vision of masculinity.
Through this project, White Ribbon created a digital resource to provide educators with the necessary tools, resources and knowledge to prevent child sexual exploitation and sex trafficking.
Working with multiple stakeholders, community partners and educators, White Ribbon developed eight lesson plans to support educators in having preventative, meaningful, and life-changing conversations with their students to ensure their safety and well-being.
White Ribbon recognizes the generous support of Ontario’s Ministry of Education for making this resource possible. Special thanks to Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation and Sarah McLaren, Rob Switzer, Christopher Powles and Shelagh Finnigan who led the development of this resource’s lesson plans. The Provincial Anti-Human Trafficking Coordination Team was also key in offering valuable recommendations on all the data presented in this resource.
White Ribbon is tremendously grateful for the wide-ranging expertise and collaboration with our advisory committee members: Aura Freedom International, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples/ Congrès des Peuples Autochtones, OSSTF/ FEESO, The students Commission of Canada, the Kenora Sexual Assault Centre, Victim Services Toronto, and Principal Association Projects service partner with Ontario Principals’ Council.