Lesson Plans
The elementary and secondary level lesson plans below were created by and for educators. They were specially designed to help you navigate meaningful and life-changing conversations on Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking prevention with your students. While the lesson plans can complement each other by exploring different areas and concepts related to prevention and response to Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking, they do not necessarily follow a specific order.
Each educator is encouraged to freely explore entry points and prompts to facilitate these conversations based on their students’ needs. We invite you to look at these lesson plans as tools that can be malleable and adapted to different contexts, teaching styles, various demographics and even online learning.
In order to support the online delivery of these lesson plans, all PowerPoint presentations include detailed digital delivery guidelines including suggested digital tools and recommendations to run lesson plan activities in online spaces.
As you prepare to implement these lesson plans we strongly encourage you to revise the recommendations section of this resource to ensure your experience with each lesson plan has a successful and long-lasting impact on your students.
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Secondary Level Lesson Plans:
Lesson Plan 1: What is Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking?
This lesson plan will help you introduce the topic of sexual exploitation and sex trafficking to your students in a safe way. Students will also learn how to identify risk factors, warning signs and vulnerable groups.
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Lesson Plan 2: What is Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking and How Can I Stay Safe Online?
This lesson plan will support you in creating awareness of sex trafficking in Ontario and how it happens online. Students will learn concrete ways to protect themselves from being targeted by sex traffickers in online spaces.
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Lesson Plan 3: Building Healthy Relationships
This lesson plan will support students in identifying unhealthy attitudes and behaviours in relationships. Activities will foster healthy relationship skills and encourage critical thinking to assess risk in relationships.
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Lesson Plan 4: Bystander Intervention
In this lesson plan, you will be discussing the importance of intervening to stop situations of violence. Students will be acquiring skills to challenge gender-based violence including sexual exploitation and sex trafficking.
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Lesson Plan 5: Challenging Unhealthy Representations in the Media
This lesson plan will encourage students to reflect on gender-based stereotypes in traditional media and online. Through different activities, students will acquire tools to challenge these stereotypes.
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Lesson Plan 6: Creating Healthier Masculinities
This lesson plan will support students in unpacking stereotypical expectations on masculinity and how they enable different types of violence including child sexual exploitation and sex trafficking.
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Lesson Plan 7: Ending Rape Culture and Child Sexual Exploitation Together
This lesson plan will introduce the topic of rape culture and create awareness about sexual violence among students. Activities will bring up actions that students can take to challenge and end rape culture in our communities.
Click to download the lesson plans in the following formats:
Lesson Plan 8: Understanding Consent
This lesson plan will support students in understanding the concept of consent and how it can be applied to online interactions.
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Elementary Level Lesson Plan:
What is Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking and How Can I Stay Safe Online? (Gr. 7/8 adaptation)
This lesson plan will support elementary educators in introducing the topic of sexual exploitation and sex trafficking to their students in an age-appropriate manner. In addition, students will learn concrete ways to protect themselves from being targeted by sex traffickers in online spaces.
Click to download the lesson plans in the following formats:
My Digital World: Safe, Inclusive, and Consensual (Gr. 4-6)
These lesson plans focused on enhancing student's understanding of the importance of safety, equity, and inclusion in their digital lives. Boys specifically, will be encouraged to embrace healthy masculinities on and offline, contributing to enhanced support for survivors and the prevention of exploitation/trafficking.
This lesson plan has been adapted for grades 4, 5 and 6. Click on the links below to access the lesson plans for each grade:
Digital Delivery Guide
In order to support the online delivery of White Ribbon’s lesson plans, educators will find clear guidelines and recommendations to implement lesson plan activities in online spaces by using engaging and dynamic digital tools
Curriculum Connections
The following table is intended to help educators integrate the Sexual Exploitation Prevention Lesson Plans into their everyday teaching by displaying some examples of overlap between the Ontario Secondary Curriculum and the lesson plans. Please note, however, that all lesson plans were originally created to be malleable and can be adapted to any subject at the Applied and Academic levels. We strongly encourage you to look at the lesson plans and define what works best with your students and your teaching style.